Tuesday May 26, 13:30
1. Nadia Hausfather "Why Bolivians put their foot down, but didn’t kick out the state"
2. Mike Mowbray "Blogging the Greek riots: the construction of a contentious ‘event'"
3. Krista D. Shackleford "Lobbying for "The Public Good": framing processes, mobilizing structures, and nonprofit lobbying in Alberta"
CSA043 The Creation, Maintenance, Expansion and Crisis of Nation States
Wednesday May 27, 9:00
1. Peter Fragiskatos “Democracy Promotion in the Middle East Since 11 September 2001”
2. Garry Barron and Nathan Turley “The Israel - Palestine Conflict: Discourse and Rhetoric in Documentary Films”
3. Trevor W. Harrison “Political Economy and Islamic Fundamentalism as a Nationalist Response to Neo-Colonialism”
CSA054 Nation-State and Everyday Life
Wednesday May 27, 10:45
1. Kim de Laat "Canadian voices, Canadian choices? The implications of music funding and multiculturalism as forms of Canadian nation-state building"
2. Paulina García del Moral. "Women’s Reproductive Rights in Ireland"
3. Kate Bezanson "Social Reproduction, Choice and Strategic Neoliberalism in a Theo-Conservative Canada"
CSA074 Author meets Critics: Miriam Smith Political Institutions and Lesbian and Gay Rights in the United States and Canada
Wednesday May 27, 13:30
Commentators: Barry Adam; Tina Fetner; Judy Taylor
CSA084 Hegemonic Nationalism
Thursday May 28, 9:00
1. Ivanka Knezevic "In the Wake of a Captured State"
2. James Kennedy and Lilliana Riga “Constructing 'ethnic capacities' in American multiethnic nation-building”
3. Slobodan Drakulic "Academic Nationalism"
CSA095 Contentious Nationalism
Thursday May 28, 10:45
1. Samuel Gurupatham "Globalization, Economic Liberalization, and Ethnic Conflict in Post-colonial Sri Lanka"
2. Peter Fragiskatos"Berberism and the Future of Algeria"
3. Mark Lajoie "Accommodating Nation: Pluralism, Democracy and National Identity in 21st Century Quebec"
CSA096 Social Movements: Canadian Case Studies
Thursday May 28, 10:45
1. "Neo-liberalism, workers’ compensation and injured workers in Ontario"
2. Denyse Côté et Étienne Simard "Mouvements sociaux dans le Québec contemporain"
3. Marika Morris “Organizing through obstacles: The co-op housing movement in Ontario”
CSA132 Social Movements: International Case Studies
Friday May 29, 10:45
1. Kathleen Rodgers "The Consequences of Funding Patterns for the Infrastructure of the Human Rights Network in the Global South"
2. José G. Vargas-Hernndez "Historical Social and Indigenous Ecology Approach to Social Movements in Mexico and Latin America"
3. C. Bader Araj and Robert J. Brym "Opportunity, Culture, and Agency: Influences on Fatah and Hamas Strategy during the Second Intifada"