I'm in the process of looking for a post-doc to help, starting in July, with a new oceans-related project.
The position we're looking at (funding confirmed by our Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) is a 2-year postdoctoral appointment (minimum) which involves work on the Ocean Tracking Network (OTN) at Dalhousie University. David VanderZwaag from Law and I represent the social science contingent on a large, natural science project oriented to electronic tracking of marine mammals and various fish species, especially ones considered to be endangered. David and I are looking at the social and legal dimensions of creating a global network in this area (Dalhousie maintains an OTN website via our main page, and I'd recommend looking at it). I'll be happy to provide other substantive information.
The salary, as per SSHRC rules for research positions, is $31,500 a year. A recent ruling from the federal government indicates this money is taxable-why, we are not yet sure.
We expect the postdoctoral candidate to do two basic things: (1) develop a research program of their own around the project; and (2) take the lead in organizing one, and perhaps two, academic conferences, one of which will be used to build an Multiple Collaborators Research Initiative (MCRI) grant proposal to SSHRC. The project is international; we will be looking at an international assemblage of academics. It is crucial that they complete your doctoral work as of July 1, as these sorts of projects (major CFI/NSERC/SSHRC funding) move quickly.
I'd appreciate a resume/cv, a writing sample, and a list of references. Detailed information on postdoctoral work at Dalhousie, and the draft research postdoctoral letter of appointment, may be viewed at:
I will be happy to discuss specific issues at (902) 494-2020 or apostle@dal.ca
If you know of anyone, or might have connections to someone who’s graduating, or who has graduated recently, I'd appreciate it if you would circulate the information.
Richard Apostle
Sociology and Social Anthropology
Dalhousie University
Halifax, N. S.
B3H 4P9